Küche, die in einem Restaurant in Bordeaux dem Rindfleisch aus aller Welt gewidmet ist.
Das Restaurant Moelleuses & Persillées ist ausschließlich dem Fleisch gewidmet. Inspiriert von den Steakhäusern, einem typischen Londoner Konzept, stellt dieses Lokal das Rindfleisch in den Mittelpunkt, von dem jedes Stück sorgfältig aus den besten Rassen der Welt ausgewählt wurde. Die Fleischstücke werden in einem Keller ausgestellt, wo sie reifen können, um ein Produkt von besserer Qualität in Bezug auf Geschmack und Zartheit zu erhalten. Zögern Sie nicht, sich beraten zu lassen, denn jedes Fleisch hat seinen eigenen Charakter... Das Team wird Ihnen mit Genauigkeit und Freundlichkeit antworten.
Wussten Sie schon? Diese Stellungnahme wurde von unseren professionellen Autoren verfasst.
Meinungen der Mitglieder zu MOELLEUSES ET PERSILLEES
Die nachstehenden Bewertungen und Meinungen geben die subjektiven Meinungen der Mitglieder wieder und nicht die Meinung von Le Petit Futé.
The way it works is a waiter brings a tray of raw steaks and you choose which type you want, Wagyu, Australian etc. Then you order the meat. I think our French “Wagyu” was 35 € per 100 gm. So, a 500 gram cote de boeuf for 2 (really the only way you can order a steak here) set us back about £200.00 for the meat alone. At that price the meat better be very, very good. Unfortunately it was definitely not. Wagyu is supposed to be rich and tender. The Japanese always trim the outside fat of the meat because the meat itself is so rich and marbled extra fat detracts from the experience. The meat was not trimmed here. Wagyu is also supposed to be exceptionally tender. This was not. It was chewy and not particularly flavourful. So the meat, the reason to come here, simply is not very good. Very glad others had outstanding steaks but this was not our experience.
All that being said, our waitress was an absolute character and was great. The place is rowdy, loud and fun, and enjoyable. The wine was ok; nothing special. I think what left a negative impression, putting aside the steak, was the bringing of the raw steaks to the table. After listening to a few waiters recite the virtues of different cuts it struck me that the whole concept was a carnival shtick. The wait staff all had a pitch and sounded a bit like fairground barkers. Honestly, what can you tell about a steak by looking at it? Pretty much nothing at all. So why do it? Well, obviously it’s the theatre of it. That made me feel a bit stupid for going along with the tourist bait.
Dinner for two with wine and no cocktails or dessert was €385.00, which is about €200.00 too much.