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Besucht in april 2024
This is one of the most significant places to visit in Sri Lanka for its historic value. The beauty and value is incredible. However, the facilities over there needs some improvement to cater the incoming stream of tourists.
Besucht in april 2024
Very beautiful and one of the most sacred place in sri lanka.
Besucht in april 2024
Had the experience to earn knowledge about the temple and how it was built.
Besucht in april 2024
One of the most serene places in Sri Lanka..
Night time is the best time to visit, calm surrounding with less crowd..
Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
This place can change your mind to the peaceful. But If you visit on a busy day, It's so hard to feel the beauty of it. Because there is a huge line to wait to enter this place.
Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
This is called temple of the tooth relic. One of the major sacred places of buddhists in Sri Lanka. Little crowded in holidays and weekends. You have to remove your shoes and caps before entering this place. No helmets allowed. There is container infront of the main gate to keep helmets safe for free of charge. There ia also have a place to keep your shoes and slippers for free of charge.
Besucht in april 2024
සාදු සාදු
Besucht in april 2024
The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, is considered one of the holiest places in Buddhism because it houses a relic believed to be the actual tooth of the Buddha. This relic is highly venerated by Buddhists worldwide, and the temple in Kandy, Sri Lanka, is one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Buddhists. It holds significant cultural, historical, and religious importance in Sri Lanka and beyond. Thousands of local and foreign pilgrims come to worship daily.
Besucht in april 2024
???????????? ????
Besucht in april 2024
Super. Konieczne z przewodnikiem
Besucht in april 2024
A must for anyone visiting Kandy.
Besucht in april 2024
It is very beautiful place ❤️????
Besucht in april 2024
Super Place
Besucht in april 2024
Aşırı kalabalık.Görevliler pek yardımcı değil.Kim nereden nereye gidiyor yabancılar girişi ayrı olması falan tam bir kaos.Bu kadar popüler yerde sadece nakit istemeleri ve kart kabul edilmeyişi büyük eksiklik.Girmedik tabi gölün etrafında tam tur yürüyüş yaptık daha huzurlu oldu????????
Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
Most secret place for srilankans.
Besucht in april 2024
We attended the morning ceremony this morning. It was a beautiful experience, filled with beautiful flowers and sense of community.

HOWEVER, this experience was overshadowed by the distressing sight of an elephant leaving the temple. It was visibly suffering, covered in chains from head to toe, and continuously prodded by a man with a long stick and metal knife at the end. It was very painful to watch this animal abuse, and I cried immediately. Infact, I was so upset, I was shaking for 10 minutes afterwards. This unsettling scene cast a shadow over an otherwise peaceful atmosphere.

While the temple holds cultural and spiritual significance worth experiencing - and please do respect it - visitors should be prepared to see distressing animal treatment during their visit.
Besucht in april 2024
Memoirs of my trip to Sri Dalada Maligao with my wife and child to seek blessings????
Besucht in april 2024
Night view in side and outside. This heart of kandy.
Besucht in april 2024
If you are planing to visit during a Poya day you might need to wait in ques around 30 minutes through security checkings to enter the "Dalada Maligawa"
Besucht in april 2024
Ancient temple of tooth. Meaning of the Dalada Maligawa. Situated in central Province of sri lanka. No ne whering sleve less tops you must cover cover your body distantly.
Besucht in april 2024
Nous sommes allés voir la danse traditionnelle quotidienne, bien mais les tickets un peu trop chère, uniquement pour les touristes!
Besucht in april 2024
Amazing to witness the sheer amount of devotees waiting in queue to take a sneak peek at the toothed relic.

It happens to be the Sinhalese New Year when we visited, so there was a huge crowd.

Suggest to join a guide to you get the history and stories behind this spectacular place
Besucht in august 2019
J'ai visité le Temple en période de Perahera, et évidemment, il y avait du monde, surtout à l'endroit où la Dent est conservée, à l'abri derrière les portes massives ... Mais la visite n'en était pas moins agréable!
En revanche, je n'ai pas pu visiter l'Octogone, qui fermait à midi.
Depuis le temple on peut accéder au square avec les temples des quatre divinités protectrices. Si je peux donner un petit conseil, c'est de rebrousser chemin et de ressortir par là où vous êtes entrés, pour récupérer vos chaussures. A cette époque là, il y avait des éléphants dans le square, et peut être que certains prennent le risque de marcher dans la bouse pieds nus, mais pas moi!
En période de Perahera toujours, attention aux contrôles aux portiques, qui instaurent une circulation à sens unique, notamment si on arrive par l'Est. Je me suis faite piéger.
Besucht in april 2018
Très spirituel
L'endroit est incontournable lorsqu'on se rend à Kandy mais il ne faut surtout pas y aller en espérant voir, ou même apercevoir, la relique. L'ambiance est très spirituelle et la quantité d'offrandes est impressionnante! L'ensemble de l'endroit est très instructif, même si toutes les pièces ne sont pas toujours ouvertes aux visites.
Besucht in februar 2019
Incontournable lors d'une visite à Kandy. Cérémonie intéressante si la foule des touristes n'est pas trop importante. Ambiance très religieuse.
Besucht in februar 2019
A faire
Malgré beaucoup de monde, c'est l'endroit qu'il faut visiter à Kandy. Lors des cérémonies le rituel est émouvant.
Le temple est beau et les musées autour sont intéressants
Besucht in februar 2018
Temple et musée très intéressants. La relique de la dent sacrée n'est visible que lors des cérémonies qui ont lieu 3 fois par jour. Il est très difficile de l'apercevoir, il faut se contenter des photos...
Le temple a été très bien restauré après l'attentat de 1998 et le cadre est très agréable.


Geöffnet - von 05h30 bis 20h00

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Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, Sri Dalada Veediya, Kandy, Sri Lanka
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05:30 - 20:00
05:30 - 20:00
05:30 - 20:00
05:30 - 20:00
05:30 - 20:00
05:30 - 20:00
05:30 - 20:00
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