Ergebnisse Reiseveranstalter Moshi


20 meinung
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Simbo, der aus der Kilimandscharo-Region stammt, eröffnete African Scenic im Jahr 2008, und seitdem ist sein Geschäft stetig gewachsen. Dieser Reiseveranstalter hat heute einen sehr guten Ruf für seinen zuverlässigen Service und die Qualität der erbrachten Leistungen (Qualität der Reiseleiter, Wartung der Fahrzeuge...). Auf dem Programm stehen die Trekkingtour auf den Kilimandscharo, Safaris und der interkulturelle Austausch mit den Stämmen der Chagga, Maasai oder Hadzabe. Auf ihrer Website werden mehrere Routen angeboten, aber Simbo kann alle Arten von maßgeschneiderten Touren zusammenstellen. Sehr gute Gastfreundschaft.

Meinungen der Mitglieder zu AFRICAN SCENIC SAFARIS

20 meinung
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Besucht in november 2023
Nous sommes parties entre 3 copines pour un safari d'une semaine ainsi que quelques jours à Zanzibar pour conclure ce magnifique voyage en Tanzanie.
Nous avons été éblouies par la beauté et la richesse des paysages ainsi que leur diversité entre les différents parcs (Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Serengeti et lac Manyara).

Notre guide Victor a fait en sorte que cette expérience soit inoubliable. Il connait beaucoup de choses et a rendu le voyage encore plus intéressant. Du même âge, nous avons pu discuter de la vie en générale et son ouverture d'esprit, son humour et sa répartie ont réussi à contrer les difficultés du français !

Concernant African Scenic, nous avons été satisfaites de la prise en charge de notre dossier par Vanessa, qui nous a écrit tout au long du séjour pour savoir si tout se passait bien.

Il est vrai que nous aurions peut-être aimé découvrir la vie des Tanzaniens en dehors des parcs, peut-être en visitant une ferme ou en rencontrant des locaux, l'agriculture étant l'un des principals business du pays.

Le parc du lac Manyara est un parc verdoyant avec peu d'animaux mais une flore magnifique, info que je trouverait intéressante de transmettre aux clients avant de leur proposer la visite de ce parc.

Nous gardons de beaux souvenirs de ce voyage et recommandons cette agence !
Besucht in november 2023
It's no surprise that when I look at all of the reviews for African Scenic Safari's, it reflects as 5-stars - look no further if you're looking for the best company to guide you to the top of Africa.

To give you some context, my fiance decided she wanted to do this challenge (climb Kilimanjaro) to raise money for a local cancer charity who supported her unbelievably through her chemotherapy and overall treatment. She wanted to make it her mission to be able to climb to the top, exactly 2 years after she was diagnosed with breast cancer....and we did it in early September this year!

We chose to do the 8-day Lemosho Route which on reflection, was a proper adventure and ultimately gave us both additional time to acclimatise. Everything from the airport pick-up at Kilimanjaro Airport (shoutout to Noah) through to our guides and porters were absolutely amazing. I must shout out to them all here:

- Mary Shayo (head guide)
- Magnus Meela (assistant guide)
- Lazaro Julius (Chef)
- Issa Yusufu
- Basilisa Massawe
- Riziki Mosha
- Ewald Meela
- Lameck Natai
- Thadei Msele
- Roberth Mshanga
- Thomas Mbogo
- Venance Massawe
- Valerian Aloyce
- Ally Said (summit porter)

Your work ethic is super impressive, your kindness was sweet and your strength was amazing... Thank you!

This was our first ever trip to Africa and its safe to say we'll definitely be coming back and visiting Tanzania again in the future as well as seeing as much of this amazing continent as we can!

If your goal is reach the "Roof of Africa", you'll be in for one of the best experiences out there with African Scenic Safari's :)
18/11/2023 à 09:42
Dear Danny and Oksana,
Many thanks for your feedback about your Kilimanjaro climb with us.
It was a great pleasure to assist you reaching your goal of climbing the highest mountain in Africa and we are so pleased to hear that you had a great time. Many thanks for all the kind words about our team, they are always doing their best. We will pass down your feedback to them as well.
It makes us truly happy to see that we were able to show you the true Tanzania and inspire you to come back and see more.
We are looking forward to welcoming you again one day.

Greetings from your African Scenic Safaris team.
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Besucht in november 2023
For our honeymoon we booked an 8 day safari with our driver and guide Jackson. Laura from scenic informed us really well in advance about the different options and prices. Clear and timely communication which really helped us create the best program for us very quickly. We loved the personalized website that showed an amazing overview of the safari. Big thanks to Laura for that!

When it was time, Jackson picked us up in his big safari jeep with a nice happy honeymoon sleve over the spare tires on the back. We were really happy that he was our driver and guide. His experience really showed! He knew a lot!! And when he wasn’t sure of something he would look it up to make sure we were receiving correct information. We had a busy schedule and Jackson made sure we were everywhere on time, so really good planning. He also went to the maximum to show us what the parks had to offer. We saw pretty much everything we had hoped to see. So also big thanks to Jackson for being a really fun and professional guide! He even accompanied us to the airport, stayed there until we were on the airplane to make sure our travels went smoothly. Jackson also explained a lot about Tanzania, for example general life, culture, politics etc.

We really love our stays, just like depicted in our personal safari website. Nice buffets mostly. Really comfy beds and even hot showers everywhere. The only stay we didn’t like was Osiligalai Maasai lodge (maasai village), we didn’t feel comfy (huge expectation for constant tipping) there because of the staff and we would recommend to skip this.

One thing that we would give as feedback is that the lunchboxes weren’t that great. Some hotels didn't really put a lot of effort into them. Mostly it was a thick white bread with little spread (so very dry), with pasta and some oil, boxed juice, fruit and cookie. For example 1 hotel literally had for example 1 piece of bread with almost no butter, that was a supposed sandwich.

Also just before the safari we had paid a big chunk of the safari and suddenly didn’t get any responses from the tour operator. We got a bit nervous about this situation but later learnt it was because of personal reasons. And that our tour and payment was in order.

Another thing we would have appreciated was when preparing the safari tour we didn’t realize how busy our schedule was. So our expectations didn’t meet the reality (we thought we would arrive earlier in the hotel to chill daily). Often we would arrive later and we would be so tired that we would just eat and go to sleep. We would have appreciated if this had been communicated beforehand clearer so maybe we would have prolonged our safari to make it more relaxed.
17/11/2023 à 16:43
Dear Nathaly,
Many thanks for your feedback about your recent safari with African Scenic Safaris.
We are happy to hear that you had a good time with Grayson. He is an amazing guide. We will ensure to pass down your kind words to everybody involved. Many thanks also for your honest feedback about the Maasai Lodge and the time schedule. We will keep that in mind and trying to improve.
We hope overall you had a great honeymoon safari and we wish you both all the best.

Greetings from your African Scenic Safaris team.
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Besucht in november 2023
It’s been 8 months already and I still think about our recent trip with African Scenic Safaris nearly every day. Everyone we interacted with was warm, professional, and we highly recommend this trip to anyone looking to visit Tanzania. I'm still going through photos (hence my delay posting) but I couldn't wait any longer to post!

Kili Climb:
We opted for an 8 day Lemosho private climb up Kili after discussing some options with Nembris (who responded quickly, and offered excellent advice). Our mountain guide, Godwin Regan, was really the best of the best. My husband had some lingering nausea from travel, jet lag, and malarone, and Godwin quickly ensured there was ginger for the entire climb. He worked with Amin, our camping manager, to ensure our camp was along the edge of the group for more privacy and better views! On summit night, he kept us moving at a stretch pace, and prepared us for infrequent stops so that we could keep momentum and make it to the summit. Our assistant guide, Maneno, was also really professional, knew so much about the mountain, and entertained us with Swahili lessons during our daily hikes. They both were always ready to lend a hand and the full team was dedicated to our safety. We were also very happy with our decision to take a private climb as we were more able to get to know our full crew. We even got cooking demos from our chef, Lazaro (all of the food was so delicious - especially the banana stew!). There were no issues accommodating our dietary restrictions (no meat), needless to say. We are so appreciative of the full crew: Isaac, Grayson, Luich, Joram, Jonathan, Basilisa, Frank, Simon, Domas, Gastro. Tip your porters well!

Safari :
Following the exhilarating Kilimanjaro climb, we embarked on an 8-day safari with Grayson as our guide, and it was a dream come true. From the cheetahs and leopards in Ndutu Conservation Area to the captivating Serengeti, where we observed the entire park and even witnessed lions on the hunt, it was a wildlife extravaganza. We rounded off our safari with Ngorongoro Crater, where we spotted rhinos, and Tarangire. In hindsight, we might have spent one less night in the Serengeti and an extra day at the Crater, but our overall trip was pretty close to perfection.

Miscellaneous other tips: Spend a day resting to tackle jet lag upon landing. Investing in fleece liners for your sleeping bag is a smart move, especially as temperatures drop quickly in Shira Crater. Remember to open your water bottle before starting your hike from the base camp to release pressure and ensure easier water access at the top.

TLDR: spend your money where it will go directly into the local economy. Book your trip with A. Scenic today!!!
13/11/2023 à 19:28
Dear Hannah,
We can't thank you enough for such a great feedback about your Kilimanjaro climb and your safari with us. We are so happy to hear that the memories still last and you keep thinking about this once in a lifetime trip.
It's great to hear that our team was a great help while climbing Kilimanjaro. That the food was great and your safety always given.
We will forward your kind words to our whole crew and all the team behind the scenes.
Your thoughtful advises are very much appreciated.
We hope to welcome you again one day!
Karibu Tanzania.

Greetings from your African Scenic Safaris team.
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Besucht in november 2023
Voyage extraordinaire et mémorable!!
Merci à Albin qui a pris du temps pour répondre à toutes nos attentes et envies!
Merci à notre guide Victor qui a un œil de lynx, pour son savoir, les moments de partage et de rires !
Nous avons eu la chance de voir les animaux, découvrir la culture et faire connaissance avec des personnes inoubliables…
Merci encore et je recommande les yeux fermés African Scenic Safaris
24/11/2023 à 07:24
Chère Pamela,
Merci pour votre feed back et nous sommes ravi que votre séjour vous ai plu. Nous ne manquerons pas de transmettre vos commentaires a Victor!
Au plaisir de vous accueillir de nouveau en Tanzanie
Salutations de l'équipe d'African Scenic Safaris
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