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Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
Beautiful and super interesting. Definitely need a couple hours to get through it completely.
Besucht in april 2024
I visited this twice. It's very nice. Kids enjoy the Kids Musuem. I wish there was a good restaurant inside. If you are spending more than half a day, you would want to eat there as well.
Besucht in april 2024
Also a must while in Canada's capital region
Besucht in april 2024
I appreciate the fact that they kept the Children's Museum and the First People's Hall the same, but what the conservative party did to Canada Hall is completely unforgivable. The original exhibit must have been so expensive to build along with the rest of the museum. I find it completely tasteless that anyone would think it to be a good idea to turn an immersive historical experience into a poorly designed mess trying to talk about Canada's entire history as well as politics. And voting? Out of all the museums in Ottawa, this place used to be a major tourist attraction. It just bugs me so much that they could even allow politicians like Stephen Harper to take control of places like this. I would recommend to avoid the 3rd floor. Never thought I would have to say this.
However, despite this, I would recommend giving this place a thorough visit because the building still holds up as being one of the most gorgeous places in Ottawa. Experience what's left to the fullest.
Besucht in april 2024
Belle expérience
Bonne disposition logique des expositions
Toiut est bien détaillé
Besucht in april 2024
Not really a museum. This is predominantly a children's playground and events space. The swirly building looks interesting on the outside but is massively expensive to heat and maintain. It is not at all evocative of the flat pebbly barrenness of the arctic landscape.
Besucht in april 2024
Must go and must watch the IMAX show of Jane Goodall- Reasons for Hope
Besucht in april 2024
Musée très intéressant dans son ensemble.
Cependant l'exposition temporaire n'était pas très intéressante car peu d'explication sur l'histoire. Mais très riche en collection d'objets.
C'est d'ailleurs ce que l'on peut reprocher à ce musée. Une belle richesse d'objets mais trop peu d'explications concrètes sur ceux ci.
Prévoyez au moins 5h pour faire l'ensemble du musée car le temps passe vite à l'intérieur !
Besucht in april 2024
Prévoyez votre journée. J'y ai passé plus de 4h30.
Personnel toujours prêt à vous aider.
Exposition sur le Canada de sa formation géologique jusqu'à nos jours.
Films documentaires inclus dans le billet d'entrée.
Besucht in april 2024
The museum is great and all, with the fantastic kids section. But the price of admission is way too high… family of 4, $60 with parking. It’s just not feasible for an impromptu rainy day activity at that price point.
Besucht in april 2024
Good day out with the kids. We visited the children's museum and both kids had fun. I would recommend it for children 3 to 8. My 9 year old was a little to old to enjoy it as much as his younger brother.
Besucht in april 2024
Gorgeous building housing a fantastic collection of First Nations art from all over Canada. Great tour guide Lyse took us through the great hall and the early prehistory and history rooms. There is more to do, enough for a few days of sightseeing.
Besucht in april 2024
Close by!
Besucht in april 2024
It’s sad that an heritage that make a huge significance in any country culture, government shows too poorly in supporting. I glad there’s people who still believe that heritage is part of themselves
Besucht in april 2024
Visited with my 4YO. I was able to sneak past the kids section without at first so we were able to walk through both the Indigenous art section and some of the exhibits before he spotted the children’s area. He was fascinated by the totem poles and the mirror hall.

The children’s section is exceptional. Obviously crowded on the weekend, but not chaotic. Some of the rooms (art & foam blocks) will keep the older children engaged.
Besucht in april 2024
All you need to know is that the only reason The Getty is famous and this magnificent work of architecture and museum is obscure is that LA has the best PR in the world. Enjoy serene views and the best of history at this impressive masterpiece here in Gatineau, Quebec.
Besucht in april 2024
Un poco más de interacción con los niños falta u guía
Besucht in april 2024
지금까지 내가 알던 캐나다의 그 이상을 알게 되었다. 캐나다의 현대역사를 그동안 너무 모르고 있었다. 우리딸이 나보다 더 관심을 갖고 둘러보는 바람에 시간가는 줄 몰랐다. 나는 특히 New Flag와 Politica Independence 에 대해서 전혀 몰랐는데 보면서 많이 배웠다. 오타와 여행하실 한국분들는 꼭 들러보시길.
Besucht in april 2024
Great museum.
Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
Amazing ????
Besucht in april 2024
very comprehensive overview of canadian history in various interactive and creative exhibits! especially loved the dome theatre that was included in admissions
Besucht in april 2024
Très intéressant mais un peu long et beaucoup trop de lecture
Besucht in april 2024
Great experience
I wish they had a section for each province specifically
Besucht in dezember 2019
Très intéressant, à ne pas rater
Musée très intéressant sur la riche histoire canadienne. Très imagé et interactif, un musée à ne pas rater. Possibilité de cibler quelques salles si vous n'avez pas trop de temps. Les "jardins" du musée offre aussi une magnifique vue sur la colonne du parlement d'Ottawa.
Besucht in juli 2018
Musée canadien de l'Histoire
Superbe musée qui abrite une magnifique collection relative à l'Afrique (sculptures, masques, habits, instruments de musique..) également art des Indiens du Canada. La Gande galerie abrite une série de totems de plus de 20m de haut ! Une journée ne suffit pas pour découvrir toutes ses merveilles. Il y a de nombreuses animations pour les enfants.
Besucht in september 2018
Fabuleux ! On ne regrette pas les 2 heures de route pour venir de Montréal. Il est encore plus intéressant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur. Ne le manquez pas si vous voulez tout (!) apprendre sur la Canada. Formidable collection de totems.
Prévoyez la journée et des chaussures confortables. C'est un peu court du coté restauration.
Besucht in august 2018
Absolument passionnant ! Avec un bébé nous y avons passé 3 heures mais prévoir la journée si on est passionnés d'histoire. Service et accueil agréable, muséograhie superbe.
Besucht in april 2018
Le Musée de l'Histoire du Canada faisait parti des visites que je ne voulais surtout pas manquer lors de mon voyage.
Et je suis ravie d'y être allée !
Le musée fermant ses portes tôt, 17h00, je n'ai pu faire que la salle des Premières Nations, avec les totems amérindiens, les embarcations, méthodes de chasse, objets du quotidien, vêtements, objets de culte, etc...
C'est très intéressant. J'aurais souhaité aussi avoir du temps pour la salle sur l'histoire du Canada, l"arrivée des colons britanniques et français.
Ce sera pour une prochaine fois !


Geöffnet - von 01h00 bis 01h00

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Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
100, rue Laurier, Gatineau, Kanada Auf der Karte anzeigen
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9h00 - 16h00
9h00 - 16h00
9h00 - 19h00
9h00 - 16h00
9h00 - 16h00
9h00 - 16h00
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