Meinungen der Mitglieder zu CENACOLO VINCIANO
30 meinung
Die nachstehenden Bewertungen und Meinungen geben die subjektiven Meinungen der Mitglieder wieder und nicht die Meinung von Le Petit Futé.
Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
Unglaublich schön
Besucht in april 2024
Il dipinto di Leonardo Da Vinci è meraviglioso. Il museo è perfettamente organizzato. I biglietti vanno acquistati on line in anticipo.
Besucht in april 2024
Meraviglioso, molto brava anche la guida
Besucht in april 2024
Definitely one of the must see site in your next visit in Milano.
One of the most known painting in the world. You probably saw a photo or replica, but there is nothing like the experience to stand in front of it in the actual room it decorates.
It's impossible to get tickets in the tickets office you must booked long time in advance, I got it through a local tour guide few days before and still it was very limited in time slots. It is more expensive but you can enjoy the story about the history of the painting.
One of the most known painting in the world. You probably saw a photo or replica, but there is nothing like the experience to stand in front of it in the actual room it decorates.
It's impossible to get tickets in the tickets office you must booked long time in advance, I got it through a local tour guide few days before and still it was very limited in time slots. It is more expensive but you can enjoy the story about the history of the painting.
Besucht in april 2024
Non servono parole, va visto con visita guidata possibilmente.
Obbligo di prenotazione
Obbligo di prenotazione
Besucht in april 2024
Mid (troppo sforzo per niente, mid pure la media delle recensioni)
Besucht in april 2024
First things first… a must if visiting Milan, a once in a lifetime opportunity, everything well laid out / organised well, staff pleasant enough and most importantly the painting spectacular of course. The major issue though… it costs only 15 Euro through the official site but with limited numbers near on impossible to get a ticket. I had ruled out a visit completely but then watched a You Tube travel on Milan which said to go through a private tour, I thought no chance, as that’s surely corporate ticket touting. I was wrong and paid approximately £80 GBP / 93 Euros / 100 USD. Not a fault of the our tour guide at all who was lovely, but ended up having to arrive 30 minutes before our 15 minute window and then over 30 minutes afterwards. Some of our party arrived late perhaps deliberately, managed to get their own ticket, entered alone and then didn’t bother with the tour as such and crept off as soon as the allowed 15 minutes had ended. The tour guide made a joke of it but I get their point, they wanted to see and this was the only way to do it and just not bothered about the tour. I am not religious at all, and even though I didn’t take delight paying 6 times the price, only being in Milan once I was happy to take the hit. For others though, more religious than me, and with much more of a limited budget (especially if a full family) it would maybe price them out and that just doesn’t seem fair. I think bulk selling to your companies should be looked at.
Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
Emozionante, come sempre. Unico, un tesoro di inestimabile valore che dobbiamo preservare!
Besucht in april 2024
C'è solo il dipinto corredato da molte poche spiegazioni, sarebbe stato bello se fossero illustrati più a fondo gli interventi necessari per la conservazione del dipinto.
Per questa ragione mi sento di consigliare di svolgere la visita con una guida turistica
Per questa ragione mi sento di consigliare di svolgere la visita con una guida turistica
Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
Всегда хотела увидеть, очень рада что это случилось. Хотелось просто проникнуться
Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
Un meraviglioso affresco da vedere assolutamente, purtroppo la tecnica di Leonardo non ha resistito nel tempo, ma grazie alla tecnologia si può vedere come l’affresco era in origine.
Le aperture per le visite sono sul sito, i posti vanno a ruba quindi bisogna prenotare con molto anticipo
Le aperture per le visite sono sul sito, i posti vanno a ruba quindi bisogna prenotare con molto anticipo
Besucht in april 2024
Très belle œuvre! Bonne organisation et timing précis, personnel très competent. Attention aux prix de vos billets et arnaque des sites, l entrée est à 11euros par personne pour 15mns. Réservation très en avance nécessaire.
Besucht in april 2024
Vier Monate lang versucht Tickets zu bekommen.
Besucht in april 2024
Emozione unica
Besucht in april 2024
Senza parole....
Besucht in april 2024
Visit only with a tour guide approximately 5 min vis a vis fresco to admire very quick.
Besucht in april 2024
Overrated! Florence have many best paints
Besucht in april 2024
Besucht in april 2024
O lugar é bem pequeno, e realmente a única atração é a obra de Da Vinci, que é incrível de se ver de perto. Acredito que com guia seja mais proveitoso e interessante, já que eles fazem algumas explicações sobre a obra. Os ingressos podem se esgotar, então acho importante comprar com antecedência.
Besucht in april 2024
Worth every penny and second. Absolutely stunning painting in an amazing place. Must see if you are in Milan!!
Besucht in september 2019
Malheureusement je n'ai pas eu la chance d'obtenir un billet pour voir La Cène, et l'église était fermée lorsque j'ai voulu en visiter l'intérieur... L'extérieur vaut le détour tout de même !
C'est un incontournable alors prévoyez à l'avance l'achat de votre billet !
C'est un incontournable alors prévoyez à l'avance l'achat de votre billet !
Besucht in oktober 2018
The Church is very nice especially for The architetture of Bramante . The masterpiece is The last supper of Leonardo that shows the reaction of the apostles to The sentence of jesus: one of you Will soon betray me. The human anatomy is The typical of Leonardo. Difficult to go you have to book months in Advance or go with an agency.
Besucht in mai 2017
On réserve à l'avance mais si on arrive plus tôt et qu'il y a peu de visiteurs, pas d'obligation d'attendre l'heure inscrite sur le billet. Complétez par une visite intérieure et extérieure de cet superbe édifice.
Besucht in dezember 2015
15 minutes pour découvrir la Cène de Léonard de Vinci avant qu'elle ne disparaisse. Je conseille de payer un peu plus et de profiter du guide qui détaille la fresque. J'ai eu la chance de profiter d'une entrée sans réserver sur internet...
Endroit génial, incontournable Mais attention, pour voir la Cène, il faut réserver 15 jours à l'avance minimum .... sur le moment, impossible de rentrer . reste à Admirer (quand même !) Santa Maria Delle Grazie ! Superbe !
- Öffnet zu 08h15
08:15 - 18:45
08:15 - 18:45
08:15 - 18:45
08:15 - 18:45
08:15 - 18:45
08:15 - 18:45
Die Besten in Mailand und um
Una decepción.
You have to be very aware of the month that you want to visit and when they are available online. You can only buy online. I tried 3 months on advance and didn't make it.
Because it said the the 25th of April was free admission I tried without success. You also had to book it online on December or Juanuary. There are no tickets to sell at the office. Never.
Very disappointed.