Ergebnisse Hotel Atar


14 meinung

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Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Route d'Azougui, Atar, Mauretanien Auf der Karte anzeigen
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Das Bab Sahara wurde 1999 eröffnet und ist zweifellos ein "Geheimtipp"! Das belegen die Ruhe, die Sauberkeit und die hübsche Gestaltung der Konzession. Die gut ausgestattete Unterkunft beherbergt zwei reizende Hütten mit Badezimmer und Klimaanlage, regelmäßig gereinigte Gemeinschaftsduschen und -kabinen, einen schattigen Innenhof mit einer entspannenden Hängematte usw. Während der touristischen Hochsaison haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Justus, den Besitzer, zu treffen, WLAN zu nutzen und unter einem schönen maurischen Tuch zu schlafen...

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14 meinung
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Besucht in november 2023
Habíamos contratado una habitación con aire acondicionado y no funcionaba el aire, tampoco funcionaba el ventilador que tenían. El agua caliente funciona mal, nos tuvimos que duchar con agua fría .Hay cortes de luz cada dos por tres. El wifi siempre está conectado y no funciona ni nadie se preocupa en mirar nada. De las 3 noches sólo pagamos una. Caro y sucio. No entiendo para que ofertan servicios que no tienen. No recomiendo este sitio
Besucht in november 2023
We stayed here for three nights 11/15-11/17. On arrival the place was fully booked, but they let us squeeze in anyway. We pulled in and parked and then quickly set up our tents. However, the electricity went out once, hot water only worked at random intervals, and the wifi was bad (it was on a Sim card and once the data was out, the manager didn't buy more for the campsite; 4Gigs split between 30 users is not much data).

Later when we tried to book a trip to Ouadane and Chenguetti, the manager of the campsite helped us, but they tried to charge us €100 per person. This was extortion and we said no. Then he dropped it down to €44 so obviously there was some fowl play here. Please don't pay more than 1750 MRU for a trip to both cities and don't pay extra for gas!

Finally, when we went to leave the campsite, the manager came up to our group and tried to extort more money out of us. He wanted to charge an extra €100 for each person on top of what we already paid for the campsite. This is when we realized that the argument between him and the drivers of our trip only happened because he tried to charge us above market value for that trip and keep the extra money for himself.

My advice is DO NOT COME HERE! There are other campsites in town with more honorable campsite managers. I get that life is hard here and everyone is out to make some quick cash over everything, but this camp manager Mohammed single handedly ruined the experience for us. You have to be patient in Africa, but you shouldn't have to worry about extortion at a Westernized campsite.

Hope this helps somebody. Also, be careful when you drive here. The local kids threw rocks at our vehicles and broke a friend's rear window out.

Side note:

Trip from Atar to Ouadane from Ouadane to Chenguetti, from Chenguetti to Atar should be 1750 MRU per person.

Entrance to Ouadane should be 200 MRU per person. And entrance to the Chenguetti library should be 100 MRU per person. Do not take guides if you don't speak French or Arabic. Everyone will expect a tip for their help. So be careful as no one here will offer free help or guidance for anything.

That's all. It's worth the visit to the area, but please be careful who you pay and how much.
Besucht in november 2023
Für mich die schönste Unterkunft auf unserer Mauretanien Reise.
Achtung, Personal spricht nur französisch.
Besucht in august 2023
We spent 3 nights at Bab Sahara. The Auberge is really nice and friendly. We had the ???? huts with A/C and private bathrooms. Perfect as a starting point for Chinguetti, Ouadane and Tergit Oasis.
Besucht in juli 2023
Well managed property by a foreigner. We had a bad experience running around various hostels in town that seemed shady. We then walked the 10 minutes to get here. It is a secured campground with some overlanders staying. Rooms were basic. Outdoor shared showers. Food kitchen was prompt and decent. Good place for a quick rest before Chinguetti.

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