Meinungen LOBSTER WEST San Diego
Meinungen der Mitglieder zu LOBSTER WEST
26 meinung
Qualität der Küche
Die nachstehenden Bewertungen und Meinungen geben die subjektiven Meinungen der Mitglieder wieder und nicht die Meinung von Le Petit Futé.
Living in Australia I'd never tried one before but thoroughly enjoyed this. Would recommend to anyone
The place has a bit of a smell to it. Like old grease.
The service is nice.
But the portion on the grilled cheese with extra 50% more meat is just not real. It is the second time we order 50% more meet on the grilled cheese and it comes pretty scarce as you can see in the photo. And it is 23 dlls.
This is just not accurate. We are paying for more meat and not getting it.
Hope they fix this.