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Meinungen UNITED STATES CAPITOL Washington, D.c.

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42 meinung
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Besucht in märz 2024
Loved visiting! Very neat place and great history!
Besucht in märz 2024
Besucht in märz 2024
My hubby, sister- in - law and I visited the Washington DC for 4 days to see our first time in Cherry Blossom in Tidal Basin . We had time to walk around Capitol Hill for some shots. We really had a great time there. Just sharing photos from the Capitol Hill last March 16, 2024
Besucht in märz 2024
So cool to be visiting Washington DC. At the Capital.
Besucht in märz 2024
Great place to visit. Good tour guides and lots of things to see
Besucht in märz 2024
Awe inspiring to walk around at night!
Besucht in märz 2024
We had an absolutely amazing tour by Mr. Christian. He answered everyone’s questions and all the information was so interesting!
Besucht in märz 2024
So the building is obviously very impressive. Seems very clean also. But annoyed to death when they made me throw my cuticle scissors away. How did people get in that building with machine guns(huh beings with T ends P) and I couldn't get in with cuticle scissors! Really I don’t get it!
Then you wonder why people hate politicians. Especially ones that want to be dictators.
Besucht in märz 2024
Derek was hands down the best tour guide!! He was funny and did so well with our 5th graders. He was full of knowledge and kept us laughing and engaged the entire tour!!! We enjoyed seeing everything The Capital had. Thank you!
Besucht in märz 2024
The Capitol is probably on everyones list when visiting DC. The bulding itself is beautiful and you are able to make great pictures from the front and back. We really enjoyed that. So the review is more for the tour on the inside. We were shocked about how short it was and that it were only three rooms with some statues {most of them were unknown to us} in it+ a 15 mins video about the Capitol. I have to say that this tour is free, so we cant complain about that really! We also knew that we will not be able to see very important rooms in there. It was just odd because you are losing a lot of time on that property and afterwards we did not know why we came. It says to be there 45 mins early for security - you dont have to! If you dont make it, they will put you in the next tour 10 mins later. It did not really matter that we reserved tickets online and were there so early. Everyone in there and even in front of the building+security was really nice though and the tour guide itself was also great -although not really a tour. So if we knew beforehand we wouldve skipped it.
Besucht in märz 2024
E muito legal
Besucht in märz 2024
its great
Besucht in märz 2024
Wonderful guided tour of our nations capital. The tour has a 13 minute orientation film which was really interesting and informative. The tour itself was extremely good and professional. We got to see many historical areas of the capital building (excluding the House and Senate chambers). Those require separate passes. I got to go into the House of Representatives chamber and hear the Senate in session which was really cool because I had a House of Representatives and Senate gallery passes. I will definitely be back on my next trip to Washington DC.
Besucht in märz 2024
A must see if you visit Washington DC. The interior is gorgeous! I loved absolutely everything here. I learned a lot of things concerning American history and as a non American citizen, it was really interesting! I advise to book the tickets in advance. There's always many people visiting here
Besucht in märz 2024
We took a group of international high school seniors on a visit to the US Capitol. We had a wonderful visit and tour. What an incredible structure and place of history.
Besucht in märz 2024
Excellent place to enjoy the cherry three blossom.
Besucht in märz 2024
This beautiful and big building
Besucht in märz 2024
The tour was great!
Besucht in märz 2024
All staff were very helpful, the tour was very informative.
Besucht in märz 2024
De los lugares más representativos de esta nación, es un edificio impresionante, siempre se puede tomar un tiempo para tomarse una buena fotografía aquí.
Besucht in märz 2024
No es fiel a como se ve en el fallout 3 1/5
Besucht in märz 2024
세계 정치의 심장
Besucht in märz 2024
A must see when visiting! They have a visitor center that has free tours and exhibits. You can get the free tour tickets a head of time. Be ready to wait to get inside. The grounds were amazing to walk around and explore.
Besucht in märz 2024
El Capitolio de los Estados Unidos, ubicado en Washington D.C., es un edificio emblemático con muchas curiosidades interesantes. Aquí te dejo algunas:1.El Capitolio es la sede del Congreso de los Estados Unidos y alberga tanto el Senado como la Cámara de Representantes.2.La construcción del Capitolio comenzó en 1793 y ha pasado por varias fases de expansión y renovación a lo largo de los años.3.La cúpula del Capitolio es una de las características más reconocibles del edificio y está coronada por una estatua llamada "La Libertad".4.En el Capitolio se encuentra la Rotonda, una sala circular que alberga pinturas históricas y esculturas de figuras importantes en la historia de Estados Unidos.5.Bajo la cúpula del Capitolio se encuentra la Cripta, que originalmente estaba destinada a ser la tumba de George Washington, aunque finalmente fue enterrado en Mount Vernon.6.El Capitolio ha sido escenario de eventos históricos, como discursos presidenciales, ceremonias de juramentación y protestas políticas.
Besucht in märz 2024
Non c'è molto da dire, se vai a Washington DC questa tappa è d'obbligo! Qui si trova tutta la storia americana!
Besucht in juli 2023
imposant bâtiment qu'il est possible de visiter. prendre le temps d'en faire le tour car le monument est à taille américaine donc très grand !
Besucht in mai 2022
Icône de la capitale étatsunienne ! Il est possible de le visiter.
Besucht in mai 2018
Bâtiment impressionnant et qui plus est magnifique. J'ai beaucoup apprécié la visite, la coupole est vraiment très belle. A visiter absolument lors d'un séjour dans la capitale américaine. Je l'avais déjà visiter lors de mon premier voyage mais c'est toujours régal de le visiter à nouveau.
Besucht in september 2017
Admirer le Capitole est un autre truc à faire quand on vient à Washington. De jour comme de nuit, le bâtiment en impose. Son centre visiteur est intéressant et c'est par-là que commence les visites.
Besucht in juli 2017
Le monument est magnifique.Vous pouvez réserver une visite gratuite sur internet.Les commentaires sont en anglais.Les contrôles sont stricts.L'accueil est bien organisé.Mais il y a beaucoup de monde. Vous pouvez manger à la cafétéria.


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08:30 - 16:30
08:30 - 16:30
08:30 - 16:30
08:30 - 16:30
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08:30 - 16:30
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