SKL verfügt über eine wunderschöne Lodge am Ufer des Thamalakane-Flusses mit weitläufigen Zeltplätzen.
Wie der Name schon sagt, betreibt dieses Unternehmen Campingplätze in Botswana. Dazu gehören das berühmte Savuti Camp und das Linyanti Camp im Chobe-Nationalpark sowie zahlreiche Campingplätze im Moremi-Reservat (entlang des Khwai-Flusses) und im Makgadikgadi-Nationalpark. Viele Reiseveranstalter schicken ihre Gäste in diese gut gepflegten Camps. SKL besitzt auch das Crocodile Camp in Maun, eine wunderschöne Lodge am Ufer des Thamalakane-Flusses, die makellose Zimmer und große Campingplätze bietet.
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You made our stay at Khwai camp very nice. You do your job with passion and pride and it shows.
Amazing service
Thank you
Although it is a nicely located campsite in the wilderness, we experienced a very bad night due to people trying to burn the locker of our car window to break in. Just 30 cm away from our roof tent, this was a very scary experience. Luckily we heard them so we could avoid the worst. However, there is no one watching the camp gate (neither from SKL nor from the reserve) we were not able to get any help. In the morning we learned that the car window of our neighbors was burned as well and they have been more successful as with our car. And on top of all the campsite it is super expensive, for no safe guarding from theft at all. Thus, we would definitely NOT recommend to stay there. Also because people are aware of the problem as this seems to happen regularly. So SKL please involve the locals in the business you are doing in Khwai!