Ergebnisse Ferienvermietung Anse Possession


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Anse Possession, Seychellen
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Weiße, geräumige, im einfachen Stil eingerichtete, klimatisierte und gut ausgestattete Villen mit einer Terrasse und einem Pool.

Die sechs weißen, geräumigen Villen (85m2) wurden von Gretel und Barry de Charmoy Lablache (ein echter Name aus einem Roman!) gebaut. Sie sind in einem einfachen Stil eingerichtet, klimatisiert und gut ausgestattet mit Fernseher, Wi-Fi und Safe. Sie werden Touristen begeistern, die auf der Suche nach einer wenig besuchten Bucht sind, mit einem Strand ganz für sich allein (einige Liegestühle stehen direkt am Strand vor der Lodge) und oft smaragdgrünem Wasser, das man immer wieder von der herrlichen Terrasse der Sea View Lodge aus bewundern kann. Kleiner Pool mit Blick auf das Meer

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Meinungen der Mitglieder zu SEA VIEW LODGE

24 meinung
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Besucht in juni 2023
Nested in a beautiful tropical garden on a romantic fisherman's beach.

The Sea View Lodge is a marvel. Our fully equipped self-catered apartment was nested in a tropical botanical garden rich in flowers, humming birds, geckos, bulbuls birds, warblers, myna birds, and big Seychelles tortoises. The lodge is safe. It also has a swimming pool, little bar and restaurant. All with a stunning view the bay. Sometimes, we sat by the sea on their beach chairs for sunset.

We went snorkelling around the corner on the right of the bay. They was some nice coral and a wide variety of fish. We also went for walks up the hill or sometimes along the little road.

The rooms are clean and the staff friendly and efficient. The beds are comfy and the white sheets nice and clean. We cooked in the kitchen as if we were at home and used washing machine. The owner, Barry, is a personality. He cares lovingly of his little paradise. We were very happy and felt at home away from our home. Some guests came to stay for weeks and months.

Possession beach is a small quiet fisherman’s beach. No crowds, beach boys, shops and noisy tourist restaurants here. That’s why we staid there. A little road runs along the beach. The inexpensive public bus can take you to Anse Lazio beach or to Côte d’Or beach, the two main white sand swimmable beaches on this side of the island. The same bus can take you to the national park or the other side of the island. For more freedom and to visit the island, we rented a small car directly from the hotel. All reliable, friendly and simple.

We went shopping in the local little grocery shop called Heyday about 2 km away. They had all we needed.

For us, this place is a discovery, a new home, and we feel blessed for the time spent there.
Besucht in juni 2023
Veľmi dobrá cena cez Air B&B. Ústretový personál, dajú sa doobjednať raňajky a večere. Spoločný bazén pre všetky vily. Primerané ubytovanie, priamo na pláži (avšak plytká voda a riady).
Besucht in juni 2023
Visited Praslin last February and spent three nights in a Sea View villa with a couple of friends. I found the location really pleasant: clean rooms with all needed space, air conditioning, update regular bathrooms, generous breakfast served at the villa, a well designed almost botanical garden covering the space between (and, yes, they have their own giant turtles in this garden). Quiet, friendly people there for you. Extremely safe (like all Seychelles). Lunch or dinner by request. We found the catch of the day to be very tasty. Beach right in front, across the driveway. A rented car may prove useful, though. All in all, a pleasant experience worth its money. I would warmly recommend it to my friends.
Besucht in mai 2023
terrible hotel! the hostess and her son are absolutely not customer-oriented. paid for the hotel through agoda, they didn’t let us into the room and canceled the order ???? do not recommend ????????????
Besucht in mai 2023
Die Unterkunft war super schön und auch das Personal war sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend. Uns hat es an nichts gefehlt wofür die Angestellten dieses Hotels auch für gesorgt haben. Wir hatten eine sehr angenehme begegnung mit dem Mitarbeiter Ajay, der super lieb war und uns jeden Wunsch von den Lippen abgelesen hat. Ein super schöne und ruhige Lage um den Urlaub perfekt zu machen.

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