Friends Travel Vietnam, eine Agentur, die von dem sympathischen jungen Paar Thao und Sidney geleitet wird, bietet Ihnen einzigartige Abenteuer und authentische Entdeckungen im Herzen Vietnams. Sie widmet sich der Schaffung außergewöhnlicher Reiseerlebnisse und stellt die Schönheit des Landes und seine reiche Kultur in den Vordergrund. Eine der Spezialitäten ist die Organisation von Fahrradtouren durch die belebten Straßen Hanois, auf denen Sie traditionelle Viertel, Märkte und lokale kulinarische Spezialitäten entdecken können... Saugen Sie die einzigartige Atmosphäre der vietnamesischen Hauptstadt auf!
Wussten Sie schon? Diese Stellungnahme wurde von unseren professionellen Autoren verfasst.
Meinungen der Mitglieder zu FRIENDS TRAVEL VIETNAM
Die nachstehenden Bewertungen und Meinungen geben die subjektiven Meinungen der Mitglieder wieder und nicht die Meinung von Le Petit Futé.
They organised an itinerary that was completely customised to our needs over the 3 week holiday period. As we moved from city to city, the drivers were always there waiting for us, the accommodation was superb, and the organised day tours were a great fit for our small group. The final point to mention was that they were incredibly responsive to WhatsApp queries, immediately addressing our questions. This was both in the months leading up to our visit to Vietnam and whilst we were in the country. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
They organised an itinerary that was completely customised to our needs over the 3 week holiday period. As we moved from city to city, the drivers were always there waiting for us, the accommodation was superb, and the organised day tours were a great fit for our small group. The final point to mention was that they were incredibly responsive to WhatsApp queries, immediately addressing our questions. This was both in the months leading up to our visit to Vietnam and whilst we were in the country. I cannot recommend them highly enough.